Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Night on the River

My husband I took the riverboat out tonight. I was going to link to a picture of the boat but discovered I never posted one. So here is a picture from last summer.

We always head upriver first (so we can float back if there is any trouble) and the first bridge we come to is the historic Van Zile bridge. Until I saw the photo, I didn't realize the trees are no longer the lush green of early summer.

We turned around a few bends after the next bridge and headed back into the sunset reflected by some swirly clouds which were reflected in the river.

Then a low "smoke" cloud entered the scene.

Before we landed, the moon rose. It is impossible to hold the camera still on a riverboat to take a night photo, but you can tell how awesome a moonrise is on a river. Perhaps I may even have broke into my rendition of Moon River at this point.


Kylee Baumle said...

Martha, those photos are gorgeous, especially the one of the moonrise. And yes, I too have noticed a change in the trees and grass and most of all, the gardens. With our droughtish conditions, the garden is shutting down, even with watering. I don't like this time of year - this transitioning into fall. I'm not ready for what is to come, although I welcome the gardening break.

Did you get the envelope I left for you with the seeds? I didn't know if you had any of those already. Hopefully some of them were new to your garden, either there at GSP or your own. We sure enjoyed our tour there and walking through the gardens! And yes, I noticed the petunias! Amazing!

I'll be blogging about our visit. I have given up keeping up. But it will be posted very soon!

JGH said...

That boat looks so festive!

Gorgeous photos of the sky reflected on the water.