Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Wildflower and Garden Brunch and Walk

Last fall when I was asked to speak at the May event at Gene Stratton-Porter's historic site, I gladly agreed. Well, it's this Saturday and I rue the day I agreed to this. With the early spring, many of the spring-flowering bulbs are finished blooming, leaving only their bedraggled foliage as a sign of their past glory. Other spring plants, such as columbine, iris and peonies, are only in bud form. Plus every minute has been spent cleaning the beds of Star of Bethlehem. About ten out of the 35 beds have been cleaned. And the foliage of the invasive bulb is dying back, leaving a sickly yellow pall over the rest of the beds.

So rather than talking about the garden in all its glory, I'm going to talk about the history of the garden and then mention the invasive plants we are currently battling, so when we go into the garden, there will be no surprises.

And it is not all bad. There are some pretty things blooming. Pictures to be posted as soon as I recharge the camera battery.

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