Sunday, April 15, 2007

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: April 2007

Here it is the 15th of the month again and time for Garden Bloggers to post what's blooming. I woke up to 3 inches of snow and it looked like the whole world was blooming. After church, though, the sun had come out and I actually found some blooms.

In bloom
Scilla, daffodils, some late-blooming hyacinths, grape hyacinths, species tulip, several late crocus, dandelions, purple cress, spring beauties

Almost Gone (thanks to multiple deep freezes)
Most of the daffodils, crocus and hyacinths along with the forsythia, bloodroot

Almost Here (big fat buds awaiting some warmth and sunshine)
Viburnum carlessi, crabapple, tulips, garlic mustard (which I've been pulling like a madwoman), trout lily, and redbuds

What I woke up to this morning

My forsythia frozen once again,

An honest-to-goodness snowball bush. Note the bud I circled on this viburnum carlessi.

An unknown bulb pushing through the snow.

A few hours later the sun came out and this was the surprise bloom for today--a species tulip called Persian Pearl. I love this diminutive flower and plan on planting more species tulips.

And I found a few flowers blooming in the woods, including several large stands of purple cress, so named because the underside of the leaves are purple.


Carol Michel said...

By golly, there is a bud on that Virburnum carlesii. Mine, for the most part, got frozen out while blooming, except for a few blooms saved by radiant heat from the house and ground. I love that you included the purple cress wildflowers, too.

Thanks for participating in Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

Naturegirl said...

Well hello earth girl.. naturegirl here from Canada!We have no snow today but it is freezing cold!! No early blossoms in my own garden but I managed to find a few brave early bloomers!

Annie in Austin said...

Hi Earth Girl,

What an April for you in the Midwest - I was just talking to a friend in Chicago who was lamenting the reappearance of the snow. I hope you guys pull out of it soon.

The purple cress is a new plant to me - it looks very pretty in your photo.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Anonymous said...

Is garden blogger's bloom day every 15th? I must start participating in this immediately.

I would guess that your unknown bulb coming up through the snow is chionodoxa.

Glad to know I was not the only person who got frozen out.