Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Basket of Flowers

This is Sharon.

This is the quilt she is making.

Here's more information.

I'm posting on this site also so my sister will see what Sharon did with Mom's material. Remember those boxes and boxes of sewing, handwork and craft supplies that we didn't know what to do with, Peg? I gave them to Sharon, who lives in subsidized senior housing, and she was going to get "the old ladies" interested in doing something. And here is what Sharon did with some of the material. I instantly recognized the fabric and that brought a big smile to Sharon's face.

Sharon has had a rough life. I suspect she doesn't know how to read and she doesn't drive. She never worked outside the home until her husband became terminally ill. She works at the site through a federal government retraining program for the elderly. Despite some health problems, she works hard at a hard job. And she finds time to serve on the housing board as a resident representative, volunteers at her church and creates masterpieces with her needle and thread.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful quilt! It is truly a work of art! Mom would indeed be pleased to see her scraps used in such a creative way. I marvel at how a master's hands can change something ordinary.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thats ... shockingly amazing! What do they do with the quilts when they're done?

Earth Girl said...

Sharon is the only one quilting and she gives them to her children and grandchildren. She has seven finished quilts waiting to be given away. I asked her if she would sell the quilts and she said she would, but that the basket of flowers is all hand stitched so it would be expensive. I don't think she had ever considered selling them. She has also never displayed them.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That is really awesome! I admire anybody with that kind of talent. Hopefully you will be able to purchase it from her.