Monday, February 13, 2006

Trouble with the concept or the words?

My sister, her daughter and I are giving a baby shower for her other daughter, so my sister invited all of us to her house to plan it. As usual, she invited everyone's family to dinner as part of the planning process. My sister's five-year-old wickedly clever granddaughter volunteered to say grace, then said the Lord's Prayer perfectly...well, almost. Every "thy" was "my" as in: Hallowed be my name. My kingdom come. My will be done..."

The showeree, who professes to hate shower games, suggested a few games for her shower. Diapering a baby doll, even blindfolded, is too tame for her; she wants us to play "Diaper the Cat." After much laughter, she proceeded to try to demonstrate it on the cat. The cat won. Her suggestions for refreshments were as bizarre. Does anyone know how to mold a jello uterus?


Anonymous said...

(1) Obviously, your loyal readers will need pictures of the non-shower:)

(2) If you were serious, and I doubt you were, there are ways. For example, and I can't believe I know this, fill a large turkey roaster with flour. Make a uterus-shaped indention. Ick. Kinda like a lima-bean. Cover the whole thing with plastic wrap. Put in a cheap-naked-plastic-baby-doll from Walmart. Pour in Jello. Chill. Ick. Is she on crack!?! Sorry, didn't mean to say that out-loud.

Earth Girl said...

Lucy, you make me laugh. And just how do you know how to make a jello womb??? I'm not sure how serious she was, but her aunt is crazy enough to follow-through now that you shared the secret.

Anonymous said...

The "shower games" were all an effort to discourage the "tacky shower" theme withy which you and my lovely sister were amusing yourselves, just because you know it would scandalize me. I would really rather have a nice turtle cheesecake for dessert.

Although I DO have to give Lucy credit for her skills! Very impressive. Jennifer